Thanks (and possibly apologies) to John Allison for this further (possibly fictional- Faye is fibbing, after all) extension of the Space Owl mythos. He hasn't got quite the ubiquity of a certain violent robot, but I'm working on it.

Exciting merchandise news! I recieved my first batch of Pintsize buttons today, and they are super awesome. 1" buttons with a smiling Pintsize head on them, and the QC URL hidden on the back of the button. Thanks a ton to Busy Beaver Button Co. for the excellent work. These will first be available at Connecticon July 16-18, and will go up on the soon-to-be-reopened merchandise page thereafter. I have a couple other surprises to (hopefully) roll out in the next couple weeks, keep your eyes peeled for further details.

People who are still waiting for shirts: please be patient just a little longer, I promise I am working on it. T-shirts will go back on sale August 1, by which point I should be all caught up with outstanding orders. I appreciate your tolerance as I try to sort out my affairs!

I really cannot get enough of And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out by Yo La Tengo lately. It is widely regarded as their finest album, and I am inclined to agree. It's a few years old now, but you should still be able to find it fairly easy on or in a music store- definitely worth checking out.

I have a bunch of other things to work on this evening, so I think that is it for tonight. Enjoy the comic, vote on Buzzcomix if you feel so inclined, and I will see you on Friday!