Today's comic is a perfect example of what can happen when you let your characters write a comic's dialogue for you- I did not intend for the strip to take such a, er, personal turn in the last panel, but that seemed to be where Faye's psyche would naturally go. I am gonna be really embarassed if any of the people in the Arcade Fire ever read this one.

Marten's commentary in panel 2 is spot-on, though- The Arcade Fire are easily the best live band I've seen since Broken Social Scene, and the guy Marten's talking about in the strip (who also plays other instruments and sings sometimes) is possibly the best part of their live act. He is so fucking rad! I'm guessing that they'll be out on tour again this fall in support of their debut album (which comes out in September, keep a sharp lookout), so if you get the chance to see them live I strongly recommend it. I'm betting that they'll be one of the breakout hits of this fall/winter- if I'm right, you heard it here first.

So today (Friday) is my last day at my day job. I am super, super excited for next week, when the full-time work on Questionable Content begins. I have lots of fun plans in store, so hopefully you're as excited as I am.

Speaking of unemployment, Jeff Rowland lost his job recently too! This is a bad time of year to be named some variant of Jeff or Geoff or Jeph! It is my humble request that my readers show JeffR the same kind of support you all have shown me thus far- he is truly one of the greats and deserves success and total existential bliss. So go check out Wigu if you haven't already, and if you like what you see feel free to drop him a donation or buy one of his shirts or books (I have both books, they are most excellent).

That's all for tonight- I have an assload of shirt orders to organize and quite a bit of mailing stuff to sort through. Have a nice weekend, and if you are going to be at the Wrens show at the Middle East in Cambridge this weekend, feel free to drop me a line. We'll have a beer together or something.