I'm not really all that happy with the art in today's strip. Oh well.

Enough of the self-hating, time for some BIG EXCITING NEWS!

I am printing a small run of "Tip me or I will kill again" t-shirts!

You can check out a mock-up of what they will look like on the new Shirts page (look up in the main nav bar if you haven't seen it already). Basically they will be black t-shirts with "tip me or I will kill again" in my handwriting on the front, and a small QC URL on the back.

I am taking PRE-ORDERS on these shirts for the next two weeks. That means you have until Wednesday, October 28th to order a shirt via the PayPal link on the shirts page. After that I will have them printed, and once they are printed I will ship them out to everyone who ordered one. Preordering means I can afford to do this without having to worry about paying my rent for next month.

The shirts will be $11.00, plus $2.00 for shipping anywhere un the USA or Canada. If you're overseas and you want one, just email me and we can work something out. Basically you just send me your payment via the PayPal link (be sure to include your shipping address and any special instructions!) and I will hunt you down and make sure I have the correct info.

One final bonus is that everyone who orders a shirt will get a special drawing of some sort included in their purchase! I will take suggestions within reason.

Anyway, enjoy today's comic, and if you'd like a t-shirt, feel more than welcome to order one. Hopefully this will work well and I will not have any PayPal or shirt-printing problems. Knock on wood.

Remember to keep voting for QC over at Buzzcomix, and I will see you Friday, awesome readers 'o mine.