This is a very silly comic. Don't worry, the rest of this week is chock-full of obscure indie references and slightly less ridiculous hair.

Speaking of this week, don't forget that I will be appearing at Boston University this Wednesday as part of a talk about webcomics, small business, and other awesome things. Click here for more info.

Also speaking of this week, Tuesday specifically, there will be an extra-special guest strip by one of my favorite webcomics out there today. Who, you ask? Well, here's a hint: he's punker than you. I will say no more! Regular QC updates will resume as usual on Wednesday. I think you'll enjoy things regardless.

So lately I have been listening to this band called Architecture in Helsinki, specifically their album Fingers Crossed. They sound like a chest of children's toys got dumped onto a bunch of indie rock dudes and ladies, who proceeded to compose the most adorable music they could possibly think of. It is all dings and clicks and cutesy pop, and addictive like sugary cereal.

That's it for tonight. Enjoy the comic and I will see you tomorrows.

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