Man, I hope they know what they're getting themselves into. I hope I know what I'm getting MYSELF into.

Apologies for the intermittent site problems over the past day or two- they should be straightened out by morning.

Don't forget that Friday is the deadline for pre-ordering Sellout shirts! I've got a new design in the works which will replace the old Pandapus stuff come next Monday.

I am still working my way through the Email Backlog of Doom, so I greatly appreciate your patience when it comes to this. I answered about 200 emails this morning and that was just from the last three days or so (not counting merch stuff). A reminder: please send any merchandise questions you may have to qcmerch (at) mac (dot) com, NOT the jephco address, or they will get lost in the shuffle and not responded to nearly as quickly. Thanks again for your patience.

See you tomorrow!