Not a whole lot to report tonight, really. Tomorrow our pet rabbit Wilbur gets his balls chopped off (by a veterinarian, not some weird dude with a knife). While I'm sure he will be okay, I must admit I was disappointed to learn that the anaesthetic will have worn off by the time we get him back. Imagine playing with a floppy, unconscious little bunny rabbit! It would have been fun.

New shirt design comes out tomorrow. It's one a lot of folks have been asking for.

I try and try to get caught up with email but it seems to be a lost cause at this point, so here is the new guideline for emailin' me: I will do my absolute best to answer every message I get, but sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day for me to respond to everyone. If you email me and I don't respond, please don't take it as a slight- I promise that at the very least I'm reading everything I get and I greatly appreciate your messages.

Would people like some of our shirt designs available on tanktops or camisoles? Drop us a line at qcmerch (at) mac (dot) com. It's something we're looking into.

See you tomorrow!