I am guessing that if you read this comic you are at least marginally familiar with indie culture and the insufferable hipsterism that permeates it.

This link is the single finest hipster satire I have ever seen. Once you are done reading today's comic, you need to click on it and watch. Thanks to Sheeley for alerting me to this wonderfulness.

The upcoming week is going to be crazy, because I am going to a metal show on Wednesday and doing job-related things all night on Thursday. But fear not! My plan to is to complete Wednesday and Friday's comics ahead of time so that they will post when they are supposed to. Now that I have committed to the 3-per-week schedule, I intend to keep my promise. No late strips, no missed strips, barring computers bursting into flame or limbs being devoured by hungry lions.

I don't yet have any sort of web stat service set up, so I really have no idea how many people are reading this strip. I enjoy it enough that this does not bother me- drawing the strips and writing the stories makes me happy enough that even if no one read this site, I would continue to do it. Still, it'd be nice to know just how many people are enjoying QC. I'm currently trying to think of ways to better promote the site, so if any of you readers happen to be successful web cartoonists, feel more than free to whore out this site if you enjoy it. More visitors = even better QC. Woo!