Alas poor Helmet, I knew them well.

Before you fire up your email account to yell at me for making fun of Helmet, bear in mind that it's nothing more than my personal opinion, and that I'm not likely to change it no matter how forcefully you proffer your own. They were a great band back in the nineties and Page Hamilton is still one of my favorite guitarists, but their sound hasn't aged well given the current state of popular rock music. And if you're writing to yell at me for making fun of Slipknot...well, why are you reading this comic in the first place?

Almost all t-shirts and hoodies have been mailed out, and the rest should be out in the mail by the end of this week. If you haven't recieved your order yet, just sit tight. It'll probably get there in a few days. If you haven't recieved your order by, say, the 15th of this month, it might be good to email me and find out what's up, but for now please hold your horses (and/or llamas).

People have been asking for a tutorial concerning my drawing process, and I decided to make one. You can look at it here if you're interested.

Not much else to report tonight. I'm having a lot of fun running around Darkshore with my lvl 14 Rogue in WoW. I bought a new hat today. The mohawk has been shaved off, so now I have a fuzzy buzz-cut. Why do I always shave my head in December, and let it grow out in July? I'm kind of dumb. See you tomorrow!