Le gasp! Drama!

I am pleased to announce that DayFree Press has a new member! It is the excellent Josh L. who draws the ever-frenetic, also-excellent Girly. I got to meet Josh at Comic-Con this year and he is a swell fellow. We're all very excited to have him as part of our little collective. If you haven't already checked out Girly, I strongly suggest you do so now. It is some good stuff!

Speaking of good stuff, we have two new t-shirt designs up for pre-order now! We're only taking pre-orders on these until this Friday, as we are gearing up for the holiday season. I think they are quite nice t-shirts, hopefully you will think so too.

You NEED to get the new Deerhoof album The Runners Four. It is one of the best records I've heard all year- imagine if you took Led Zeppelin and replaced Robert Plant with a tiny Japanese lady. Seriously wonderful stuff. Their guitarist is one of the best in indie rock today.

That is it for tonight! Enjoy the comic and I will see you tomorrow.

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