Welcome to the start of Director�s Commentary month! Or as I call it, Directember. I don�t call it that. ANYWAY

It felt appropriate to start with the first QC strip I ever made! For the rest of these entries I think I�m just gonna hit the �random comic� button and write about whatever pops up.

It�s funny how even this incredibly rough comic still held some elements that persist to this day. I was in the ballpark with Pintsize�s original design, but making him less baby-shaped was definitely a good choice. The vertical panel layout was also a smart move, considering how small displays/browser windows were back then (and we didn�t even have smartphones yet, dear god). On the flip side, losing the goofy dialog font and drop-shadow speech bubbles was also a good decision. I don�t really remember why I thought the zigzag panel thing was cool, I guess because it looked �different?� And of course there�s Marten�s TEH shirt which somehow persists to this day.

Fun fact: up until I was about 14, if you had asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have said �a cartoonist.� Then I heard Nirvana and my head exploded and I was like �FUCK comics I wanna be a ROCK STAR� and so I only did music stuff for the next several years. Looking back, I would not have been happy as a rock star. I�m glad I went back to comics, which ironically happened because I was tired of being in bands and wanted a creative outlet I could do on my own. I remember when my BIG UNREALISTIC GOAL was �maybe one day I�ll have 10,000 people reading my comic.� Several hundred thousand of you and 21 years later�

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