Aww, Clinton and Elliot being cute and bi at each other! And also Cosmo is there! That bear looks like more of a woodchuck or perhaps some kind of terrier though. Clinton and Elliot are a cute couple, it was a lot of fun writing them slowly spiraling into the makeout zone. It has, shockingly, been quite some time since we've seen THEM either! Cubetown and then The Stuff That Happened After Cubetown really monopolized my entire brain for a couple years. AND IT MAY CONTINUE TO DO SO! Or not. I haven't started actually writing any post-break comics yet. I'm still trying to choose between several possible threads/ideas. This is normally VERY STRESSFUL because I'm either working on a tight deadline or trying to build/preserve whatever buffer I have. But in this case it's just kind of chill and fun mulling over what I could do next. Smash cut to 10 days from now where I'm like AHHHHH WHAT AM I GONNA DOOOOOOOOO (I'll be fine, it will be fine)