The whole "it sounds like they were having Sexual Times but actually they were not" gag is as old as time, but I like the little spin I put on it in this strip. Also man, I used to draw Hanners looking a lot more unhinged than she does these days. Combination of her being in a better place now and also my art looking less weird and askew, lol. I do like how shaggy Marigold's hair looks in this strip though. She's more floofy these days but I think the hikkikomori hair was a cute part of her design back then. And Angus is there. TBH I'm glad I wrote him out, both for what it did in terms of the story (esp. Faye's development) and also because I just think he's kind of smarmy now. Never trust a guy who wears bowling shirts outside of a bowling alley.